We are committed to protecting our customers\’ security and privacy. We take your safety online very seriously. We\’ve listed our privacy policies below in order to better serve you and inform you of how we use your data.

We gather information about you.

We gather a range of information on our website. We will collect your email address, as well as other information like name, address company name cities and codes postal code, telephone number. The information we collect is gathered in various ways. Cookies are employed initially to collect, organize and store non-personally identifiable user data. Personal identifiable data could be defined as specific information about an individual, such as your credit card numbers or bank accounts. This data is unique to you.

The use of information can be for a variety of reasons

The same data should not be typed more than once.

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Registration and ordering:

When you register We will request your name as well as your billing and shipping addresses as well as your phone number, and email address. We may additionally ask for your credit card number. If you\’re asked to select your country, we will comply with the laws in force. These types of information are taken to handle your billing and complete your purchase. They could also be used to contact customers about their website or purchase as well as to conduct internal marketing. If there is any issue with your order or purchase, the data we gather could be used to notify.

Email Addresses

You can get amazing offers when you sign up to our newsletter. We\’ll email you your details should you decide to take part in one of our contests.

3. Privacy Protection

As part of our normal business procedures, we don\’t disclose (or rent) or sell personal information with any other company. We employ cutting-edge encryption technology. Every employee must sign confidentiality agreements, which prohibit them from sharing information with anyone else.